Sundays in Lent – 2nd Sunday


Readings: GN 22:1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18, PS 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19, 2 ROM 8:31B-34, MK 9:2-10

G-d calls and we answer. I honestly don’t know what my response would be if G-d asked me to sacrifice my first-born, or any of my children. I wonder if it would have been different had Sarah been asked.

A few things struck me from today’s readings and we begin the second week of Lent.

I hadn’t noticed before how the sacrifice of Isaac parallels G-d’s own sacrifice of His Son. It’s more than mere coincidence. As any parent knows, it takes many forms to show the same lesson and for children to absorb it. Abraham and Isaac were the first in a long line of sacrifice and covenant. Not blind faith, but trusting in G-d, waiting to see the path before us.

In the second reading, Paul asks, “If G-d is there for us, who can be against us?” is a parallel to the Angel’s conversation with Mary, “for nothing will be impossible for G-d.” [Luke 1:37]

And finally, G-d’s announcement, his acknowledgment that Jesus is his son before witnesses. His direction to listen to him [to Jesus]. The confirmation by having the two revered prophets, Moses and Elijah, both from Exodus as if to offer a new exodus fo the followers of Jesus.

Where will this week take you?

Are you escaping something monumental or mundane? Have you explored or at least introduced yourself to the three pillars of Lent – fast, pray, almsgiving?

Is there a way to include those three every week, or every day if youo’re able rather than a ticky box of accomplishments?

Can you make them part of your post-Lent life?


If nothing is impossible for G-d, then nothing is impossible with G-d.

This is the path I had to take to reach the holy well of St. Elen in Dolwyddelan in Wales. I had come to this place especially to visit the well. I guaranteed seeing the well by staying at the adjacent hotel, named for Elen, although it’s debatable with Welsh Elen it’s named for. This was my pilgrimage, my mission, and when I encountered this steep, muddy, slippery path, I paused. Three thousand miles, a rental car, a ferry across the Irish Sea, a FERRY for two hours through WATER, and this steep, obviously exhausting path was going to stop me. I hesitated for only a moment. It was an impossible task, but I would not let it stop me. For nothing is impossible with G-d. (c)2018

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Sundays in Lent – 1st Saturday


Lord, hear my voice

as I hearken to hear yours.

Remind me of our agreement with one another

as I try to keep your statutes.

I will love my neighbor, but give me strength

to love my enemies.

As the sun rises on the good, 

it rises on the bad.

As the rain falls on the unjust,

it falls on the just.

It is a matter of fortune which one I may be today

or tomorrow,

and keep my judgment still,

and my service to you awake.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

[written with inspiration from today’s readings, Matt 5:43-48]

Fandom Friday Funnies


Two nights ago, my daughter asked me about the back door pilot for Supernatural. She was wondering if they had started filming the new series yet. I answered that we hadn’t heard if it was picked up, but I was sure that they would be given a chance, at least a thirteen episode mid-season introduction like they did with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

My husband laughed at me.

We?” he asked, almost mockingly. “Do you have an inside line to the producers?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” I said with the surety of an arrogant know-it-all.

Of course, I don’t and I don’t really know any of the producers or showrunners personally, but I do know the Wayward Daughters Academy and I follow the Wayward Sisters cast  and writers (as well as Supernatural) on social media, so if I were going to hear about it, I would certainly be one of the first of the fans to hear about it. This was a total grassroots effort. Just getting this far was a fandom and social media triumph. Such is the #spnfam.

When I know, you will know.

Sundays in Lent – 1st Friday


Use this oppotunity to go on pilgrimage. I know that we all can’t just hop on a jet and see the world or pray around the world, but we can visit some places that inspire us to be more prayerful and draw us closer to G-d. 

Lourdes is one of those places.

Sundays in Lent – 1st Thursday


Use this photo collage to meditate on your Lenten experience. Draw or photograph your own inspirational photo to carry with you on your Lenten journey. I chose to put together five selections to represent the natural world, which is where I draw upon much of my spiritual inspirations. Whether or not I’m physically in the natural world, I can easily find it in my phone or kindle’s camera as well as in a variety places on the internet. Use what’s available to you to find your way and pray.

All of these photos were taken in Northern Ireland. (c)2018

Sundays in Lent – 1st Wednesday



I’m always one to recommend a journal. This is the second year that I’ve kept a Lenten journal. Each week, I will introduce a prompt for you to journal on.

Think about Jonah in today’s readings. What have you been asked to do that you’re first answer was nope, not gonna do it? And then you relented.

This is pretty much the story of any project I have taken on, so I can absolutely relate.

Journals. (c)2018

Sundays in Lent – 1st Tuesday



Read today’s readings. I’ve provided them below the cut from the USCCB website. You can go there (or to your Bible/Lectionary source) for the responsorial psalm.

What are they saying to you?

How do they relate to your “real” life?

Meditate, which is just a fancy word for think about or reflect on how the readings make your feel and how you can be more mindful of G-d. Continue reading

Sundays in Lent – 1st Monday


Words of Wisdom

The last four days were the precursor; the dipping your toe in the water before jumping in the rest of the way. Starting with today, now, we’re really into it.

What are your intentions?

What are you hoping to receive from this Lent?



Lev 19:1-2, 11-18

Psalm 19

Matt 25:31-46

[These can be accessed through the USCCB website. They can even be emailed to you.]