Suicide Prevention Awareness Month


Today begins Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and I thought this would be a good time for a couple of reminders.

  1. You are loved.
  2. You are not alone.
  3. You are enough.
  4. Take a moment to create your mental health toolbox to help you through those tough times.
  5. Speak to a professional when you need to. Talk therapy is very effective.
  6. In crisis, remember the new Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988

Mental Health Monday returns for September on Labor Day.

Friday Food. Vacation Edition


We love to try new food and eat differently when we’re on vacation. We also like to try our old stand-by fast food places and see what’s new and different on the menu. These are a few of our favorite things most recently:

[Picture heavy]

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3 Days Late – National Photography Day


I didn’t want to let this one day go by without sharing some of my photographs from our Canada holiday. When we travel, we may have different objectives. Each trip is different, and it is only in looking back at journals and photos that a theme sometimes emerges. Sometimes it’s just family time, tourist time, foodie fun, and relaxation, and other times it fleshes out into something a little different.

In looking for photos to share as part of National Photography Day, I saw a theme of history; not only a historical perspective, but a focus on First Nations, ancient land, and my own personal history. I hope that the captions will tell a story.

[Picture heavy]

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Re: Random Drawing for Scavenger Hunt


Unfortunately, no one commented with their items or links of their items during the period of the Scavenger Hunt, so no one will be drawn for the prize. We’ll save the prize for next time.

I hope anyone who did participate in their quiet way had a wonderful break from their work and chores, and tried to step out of their comfort zone. That was one of the best things about when I was doing GISH – stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things.

For anyone who participated, I’d still love to see what you’ve done.

Have a great rest of summer!