Inaugural Music


Beginning today and hopefully continuing throughout the year, I will be curating music playlists. I enjoyed doing the Supernatural one so much last year that I thought it would make an exciting new series.

This month’s curated list is based on President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

It includes artists, songs, and themes from the 2021 Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.



Friday Food on Tuesday. November.


I’m sure it’s expected that November’s Friday Food would be related to Thanksgiving. It’s related not to the day of Thanksgiving, but the feelings of giving thanks themselves.

After four years of tension, stress, and for many PTSD, we have elected Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States. His Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris is the first woman, first Black woman, first Indian-American woman to hold that office.

They were put over the top by the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and while this post is specifically about Philly, I would be remiss in not mentioning the role Black Women played in Joe Biden’s victory. We owe them a great debt of gratitutde.

In honor of Philadelphia’s role in pushing Biden and Harris over the 270 Electoral votes needed to win, my family went to a local place for cheesesteaks.

No better way to celebrate until Inauguration Day!

Cheesesteaks. (c)2020

Election Connection: 12 Weeks: Fired Up and Ready to Go


I didn’t know that today would be the day, but it was the day. Joe Biden’s running mate will be Senator Kamala Harris! I supported all the names floated out but she was in my top 3, so I’m very happy and ready to get out the vote.

Election Day is in twelve weeks; a mere eighty-four (84) days. Gloves off.

Here are a few links to help you help the ticket:

Vote Save America

Check your Voter Registration

Vote Save America: Adopt-a-State

When We All Vote

Biden/Harris 2020

And decorate your person and your lawn.

Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE

Dr. Ford and Justice for All


​I’ve spent a lot more time thinking about these past two weeks than I normally would for a political rant, so maybe this isn’t exactly a rant or a venting, although the smoke is spiraling out of my ears, nostrils, and hair follicles and just like in the cartoons, I can hear the whistling.
To start, I want to state unequivocally that I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s Judiciary Committee testimony in its entirety. Anyone who doubts her memory didn’t watch the testimony. She was incredibly careful and was clear to clarify her statements, and to say she didn’t know or didn’t remember if that was the case. She didn’t lose her temper or her composure despite the biased, some stupid questions from the Arizona prosecutor that the Judiciary Republicans hired (Senate Majority Leader McConnell called her a female assistant) because they couldn’t be human or decent to Dr. Ford.

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