Fandom Friday – What to Expect in the New Year


I, for one, am very excited for television in the New Year. Spoilers for everything in the tags follow. Read at your own discretion. Continue reading

Downtown is Pawsome (Albany, NY)


Downtown is Pawsome is a sculpture installation throughout the streets of the capital city in homage to Nipper, the RCA mascot who currently resides in Albany. It will remain in place through May 2018.

This event hit my radar quite unexpectedly in the beginning of August, right about when I was looking for something to do with my kids. This came up in my Facebook feed (thanks, Fran!) and I immediately woke my two youngest ones up, and off we went beginning with a McDonald’s breakfast and then surprising them by taking them all the way to downtown Albany.

I also got a parking ticket for our troubles, but considering the rest of the day was free, this was a sacrifice (and a lesson learned) that I have accepted.




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Advent Reflection – Dec. 8 and Dec. 9


What role does music play in your faith life? What role does Mary have in your Christian discipleship?

From Daily Reflections for Advent & Christmas: Waiting in Joyful Hope 2016-17 by Birhsop Robert F. Morneau

Music plays such a profound role in the church I attend, both the physical parish and the church of my heart. We are blessed with a beautiful choir and our musical director is so talented and has such an amazing voice. For the Immaculate Conception, he sang Ave Maria, and each Christmas I look forward to his singing of O, Holy Night. It defies description and takes my breath away.

I have always been a fan of Gregorian chants and Welsh choirs are the voices of angels.

It is not only hymns and church music that brings me spirituality. I have an affinity for modern, albeit alternative music that lets me travel in my mind to many places and thoughts. My current favorite is the Hamilton soundtrack and my collection of Supernatural and The Walking Dead music. They truly do feed my soul in ways that only writing typically does.

If the flute is being played, we dance. At Christmas parties and wedding celebrations we eat and drink in moderation. If a dirge sounds, we mourn the loss of a loved one or repent of our sins by doing penance, by practicing asceticism.

From Daily Reflections for Advent & Christmas:Waiting in Joyful Hope 2016-17 by Bishop Robert F. Morneau

We’ve had this difficulty all year – of trying to discern when to dance and when to mourn. This whole year has been a long, drawn out pop culture funeral beginning with David Bowie and Alan Rickman followed by Prince and Muhammad Ali, and continuing most recently with Florence Henderson and John Glenn. Some of them have been harder on my heart than others, but so much of my childhood has been disappearing before my eyes.

It is always difficult to continue living our daily lives with so much sorrow hanging over us. Each death brought me down, but I got back up. We get ourselves back up and we keep going. Because that’s what we do.

After my mother-in-law was hit by a car and almost died three years ago, we thought she’d live forever. She wasn’t supposed to walk or leave the hospital, and she did. As hard as it was, and as long as it took, she was home, she was walking and she was doing great. She is the epitome of energy and independence and inspiration. We are fortunate that my daughter seems to have inherited all of that from her.

We were stunned while on a visit after school let out that she passed away suddenly at the end of June. We were with her earlier in the day, talking, joking, she admiring my daughter’s taste in clothes as well as the discount we got in buying it. Bargains and garage sales made her happy.

Her passing made all the others less significant, and it’s taken a lot to get through it.Thanksgiving without her was difficult and I know that Christmas will be even harder. We didn’t see her for Christmas, but we spoke to her throughout the day. She is missed every day. Her birthday is in a few weeks, and we will continue to struggle with this loss that is so deep and devastating.

50-37 – Yankee Doodle


In honor of today being Election Day, I am sharing my photos of my old elementary school lunchbox. It must have been a television show that I watched as a kid *. It was probably on during the Bicentennial in 1976. I’ve always loved history, and was really pleased to find this vintage, metal lunchbox in my parents’ garage before we sold the house.

Vintage Lunchbox. Yankee Doodles. (c)2016

*After many  minutes of googling and clicking useless links, I finally discovered that Yankee Doodles was a comic strip that ran from 1973 to 1977. Three artists were listed: DonKracke, Fred Martin, and Ben Templeton. (Information furnished from Keith Adams from an online q&a)

Star Trek 50, Pop Culture, And Us


This is me, probably in 1991, celebrating the 25th anniversary of Star Trek at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC at their special Star Trek exhibit. I am sitting in Captain Kirk's actual captain's chair.

Thursday’s milestone birthday of the beginnings of Star Trek reminds me of the influence pop culture has on all our lives. Star Trek simultaneously showed us the future as well as holding a mirror up to ourselves and our society of the time. I’m not sure that was recognized as much at that time. Like many things, we don’t realize its value until it’s gone. Another lesson of Star Trek is to aim high and keep trying. The pilot was rejected as too cerebral, and they came back as cowboys in space while keeping its special-ness. Star Trek: The Motion Picture was a not-very-good-movie, but they forged ahead and the second one is remembered by everyone, reuniting the original guest star Ricardo Montalban as Khan Noonian Singh. The original show was cancelled after seventy-nine episodes, but has been and continues to be well-loved on the convention circuit and in movies, spawning spin-offs, fan fiction, and is known for its very cerebral fans.

In the reboot/non-reboot, Kelvin timeline, the first thing that fans said were how well the new cast held up visually and in temperament to the original cast. I recently saw Star Trek Beyond without knowing it was co-written by Simon Pegg and I loved the references to original moments of Star Trek from McCoy’s claims to be a doctor to the subtle looks between him and Mr. Spock and the underlying respect each has for the other despite McCoy reaching past his unconscious bias of the green-blooded, unemotional Vulcan, something prevalent [racial bias] in the world of the 1960s, sadly as much as it is today. Star Trek speaks a universal language that we understand regardless of our native spoken language.

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New Pops celebrating the almost end of the off-season. Ride with Norman Reedus finished yesterday, Major Crimes continues tonight, and Containment finishes tomorrow night.

We also just finished The Day After, a Russian drama with English subtitles on Amazon Prime. Entire first season, worth a watch.

Rec – sense8



Apologies for this week’s rec posting late. I decided to delay it to give Christopher Lee the top of the page for all of Thursday. I still can’t believe how many people who I admired and respected on an entirely different level than my normal celebrity watching/fandom feelings have died this year. It is indeed a sad one.

This week’s rec is a complete turnaround from that.

Sense8 is a twelve episode series that became available on June 5th streaming on Netflix. So far, I’ve watched ten of them, and I will finish the first season today and join the ever growing fanbase clamoring for a season two confirmation.

Ironically, I discovered Sense8 from a series of unrelated Tumblr posts. I was intrigued by the gushing, the one or two gifs I’d seen at that point, and how much everyone (two or three people on my dashboard) loved the cast and characters.

To be honest, I might not have given this Netflix original series a second look, but I took a quick recon to Wikipedia and the very first thing I found out was that this was a work of J. Michael Straczynski, known to Babylon 5 fans as JMS. That was all I needed to know.  There are others involved in the creating, producing and writing (The Wachowskis, known for The Matrix and Cloud Atlas), but for me JMS’s involvement was it. I trust him and his work that much.

I’d barely read the premise when I saw that this is my favorite genre; to read, to see, to write, hands down favorite. I love sci-fi, and I especially love sci-fi that feels real. It’s almost embarrassing to call it fantasy because it can simply happen in the real world. At least in my mind. Real world and modern with a twist. And this has twists.

Some fine print. This rec is not for everyone. I would begin by warning that his program is not for children. I didn’t notice how it’s officially rated, but my personal rating would be 18+. However, use your judgment and preview it for older teens. There is no censorship (at all) for language, violence or nudity. Language includes racial epithets, and a maximum level of cursing (including fuck and cunt). There is also drug use. And a rocket launcher.

There is nudity: front, back, and sideways of both genders. There are sexual situations and conduct. There’s some transphobia from one of the character’s parents. I found it upsetting and sad and I became emotional, but it’s not triggering for me. There are some medical procedures and a locked psych ward. I know these are spoilers, but this can be very triggery for someone who’s dealt with transphobia and abuse like this on a personal level.

Now, you know.

But this only adds to the feeling of realness of the show.

It can be a little confusing, especially the first couple of episodes, but I found it refreshing. It’s probably one of the only programs that I’ve had absolutely no spoilers for. It was nice coming in blind (for want of a better word). I watched and had to learn things as the characters learned them. I found that very exciting. I would absolutely suggest that you don’t read Wikipedia or any reviews for the first third of the episodes. Let yourself feel the characters and the action. It might seem disjointed at first, but you will adapt and barely notice the switches when they happen.

It opens with a woman alone in an abandoned building. It’s dark and shadowy and she is apparently giving birth. A man comes to her, comforts her, but we find out that he’s not physically there. I wasn’t sure if she was hallucinating or if they were telepathically communicating. This becomes clearer as you meet the characters.

There is nothing typical about this birth scene, though, and herein it begins. She gives birth to eight adults, men and women in all parts of the world: Chicago, London, Berlin, Nairobi, Mumbai, Seoul, San Francisco, and Mexico.  They are called sensates and these eight are part of a cluster and they can all see the woman giving birth. Seemingly, no one else can. They also aren’t sure what it is they’re witnessing.

This premise is amazing to me.

The characters are even more so. All eight (and their friends and families) are extremely well-developed, international and diverse in ethnicity and culture, religion, language, and gender identity and orientation. Between them, they speak seven languages, but somehow they all understand each other. They each have their own lives, families, desires, ambitions, troubles. It’s nice to see characters that don’t need the plot to flesh out who they are. Sure, the new relationships with the cluster is definitely going to affect them, but hopefully it will help them continue to grow into themselves, and not change who they really are. They are already people.

There is not one of the eight that I dislike. They are all such complete characters. They are so real in fact that I feel as if I know them already. I get their personalities, how they cope, what they believe, all the things that often take entire seasons to get. This is so quick to be involved in characters, and so many of them at the same time. No favorites. I’m rooting for them; all of them. I’m worried for them. I’ve cried with them. There were two exceptionally strong emotional moments for me that I can’t talk about without spoiling it for you.

These eight are psychically linked, more than telepathically, but they don’t know that yet, and are figuring out how to go about their lives with this new wrinkle. Some of them are dealing with it better than others.

There are some things I could use to describe the characters that actually give away spoilers for skills and orientation, so here is my very basic introduction to the characters:

They are all youngish (twenty-something) and all good looking and very fit. Definitely not at all hard to look at. They are all good people in their ways, even the thief.

Will Gorski: Dad was a cop, is an alcoholic. Will is also a cop in Chicago. He has a good heart and believes in helping people even when it screws him over. He’s curious and kind, compassionate, and strongly believes in right over wrong.

Riley Blue (nee Gunnarsdottir): from Iceland, but she lives in London, DJ. She’s close to her Dad, but she won’t go home (to Iceland). Does not have good people as friends. In fact, they suck.

Capheus: Nairobi, bus driver. His mother is sick with AIDS. He is sunshine personified. He sees the wonder and joy in everything. He is by no means a Pollyanna, but he has this sense of making the world a better place. He has a good soul.

Wolfgang Bodganow: Berlin, owns/runs a locksmith shop with his friend, Felix. He broods. He’s a brooder. He’s also a safecracker and a thief. His family is a crime family. It’s complicated.

Kala Dandekar: Mumbai, scientist with a pharmaceutical company run by her fiance’s father. She is religious – prays to Ganesha regularly, fiance, Rajan, is a good person, kind.

Sun Bak: Seoul, executive in her father’s company. She has an unusual hobby that we learn about later on. (It’s a pretty big spoiler, so it’s not here.)

Nomi Marks: She lives in San Francisco. She is a political blogger, trans, dating/living with her girlfriend, Amaneeta. There are some family issues that may be triggery for some people (related to transphobia and forced medical procedure.)

Lito Rodriguez: Mexico, actor. He loves his job as an actor and he’s a perfectionist; likes to retake if he thinks it’s not quite right. He likes to quote movies (don’t we all?). He’s passionate. He’s dramatic. His emotions go from he loves with the light of a thousand suns right down to the despairs of Dante’s Inferno. (He is also hiding a big spoiler.)

The cities shown are beautiful. Exciting. Real. You know where you are without a landmark lesson from social studies class. You get to learn alongside them as they find out more and more about their cluster and the individuals, what makes them tick. It’s surreal and real at the same time.

I know I’m gushing, but I love it! I loved it from the start, but as I said give it at least two episodes (three would be better) before making up your mind (that’s when my husband decided he liked it just as much as I did.)

The entire series is available now. I watched the first episode twice, and that definitely helped with the confusion, but so did watching the second and third episodes. Each one only gets better and better. Once I complete the season tonight, I’ll watch it again beginning tomorrow. I know I’ll see things that I didn’t notice the first time.

Spoiler Warning: If you’re Tumblr inclined, stay out of the Sense8 tag to avoid the spoilers. It really is so much better watching it first. (And that comes from a person who generally has no problem being spoiled. This is one show where I would have regrets, so I avoid them.)

Give it a try. Then come back and tell me what you think.

I think you will like it!


(*Pictures from official sources. No infringement is intended.)

Why Don’t I Like Carol?


When we meet Carol Peletier we can see that her husband is domineering, she’s easily apologetic and it is clear that she is Sophia’s prime caregiver. We have no idea what they’ve done for a living, but she seems to be a homemaker and he is certainly ready for some kind of dystopian world. They have plenty of supplies and he doesn’t want to share. This could be survival, but it can also be selfish douche; maybe he’s a hoarder. Or paranoid. Whatever it is she doesn’t argue the point and immediately goes to apologize to Lori as if she made a mistake. Lori senses something and let’s it go, herself apologizing to Carol.

At the end of season 5, we have a complete turnaround. She is no longer the mild-mannered, quiet follower that we first met. In fact, she has a contempt for those types of people. In Alexandria, she calls them children. If those were the only two episodes you watched, you’d find the change startling.

My husband told me when (not if, but when) I started watching The Walking Dead, I would love Carol. I would love her story arc, her character development, how she goes from Stepford wife, mother, and abuse victim to badass survivor and leader equal to Michonne or any of them. Once I began to watch, I tried; I really tried to like her, but my animosity towards her is almost equal to hers for the Alexandrians.

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Television Junkie


As a child of the Seventies, I grew up with TV. There was never a moment in my house that we didn’t have a TV, and pop culture made a definite impression on my psyche. We still quote Seinfeld in everyday conversations. In fact, my kids recognize the voice and tone even after being born well after the end of that show. Our middle son is easily George Costanza. We talk in Star Trek and Supernatural and lie there a cat video for everything there is also a reference for everything.

This is a partial (at least what I can remember off the top of my head) of my TV shows; all the ones that I’ve watched:

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