Where Can I Help? (Updated 4/29/20)


So many people already need help, and some of us are in the position to offer that help. I am personally not recommending any of the following groups. I do not know their charity or non-profit status. What I have done is taken the original poster into account and I’ve gone to the website to see that it appears legitimate. Use your own judgment, and do not give more than you can afford.

I will continue to add as new ones come to my attention.

Broadway Cares COVID-19 Emergency Fund for health care, emergency financial assistance, and counseling during this pandemic (onstage and behind the scenes)

Broadway World

CDC Foundation

City Harvest – NYC

Coronavirus Relief Fund – split between Feeding America, Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Restaurant Workers Community Foundation, CDC Foundation, and Direct Relief.

Direct Relief – disaster relief

Feed Albany (NY)

Feeding America

Feed the Front (Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick)

Food Banks Canada

God’s Love We Deliver – non-sectarian. Food tailored to medical needs of clients.

Homeless in Wisconsin

Homeless Shelter Directory – to help those in your community, look up shelters near you and donate directly.

Invisible Hands Deliver – NYC & some environs, some NJ

Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation

Meals on Wheels

National Domestic Workers Alliance

National Low Income Housing Coalition

No Kid Hungry

Project Angel Food – meals and nutrition help for people who are battling illness.

Restaurant Workers Community Foundation

WHO Solidarity Response Fund (World Health Organization)

World Central Kitchen