Inspired. January.


Another year begins.

As I mentioned at the end of 2023, I plan to make more specific goals and follow through on intentions. I also think it’s important to look back and see if there is anything I could have done differently or better. I’m sure that there is, but I’m also proud of the work I’ve done in 2023, especially in my writing and expanding my writing and creativity.

In 2023, I made a total of 210 published writings. Most of these appeared right here, although a few of them were submitted to writing classes. This amounted to a total of 74,626 words. I may not have “won” Nanowrimo this year, but I did do a lot of writing.

I expect to teach a writing class again this spring, this one for eight weeks. I’m finalizing the syllabus and power points.

I’ve fallen into the Doctor Who rabbit hole. That will end this week after I rewatch the last two specials on Disney+ (for the second time). I loved the Christmas special that is starting out Ncuti Gatwa’s run as The Doctor. He returns in May with his first full season. It was brilliant to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate return as The Doctor (the 14th this time) and Donna Noble, my favorite Doctor/Companion pair.

Our tree went up with help from my middle son (he put it up) and my daughter (she put on the lights), and we celebrated Chanukah for a few extra days since we were interrupted by Covid by both myself and my husband. So far, entering the new year healthy.

I’ve expanded my spirituality, attending regular religious services as well as numerous retreats throughout the year. I’ve already scheduled a few for the next three months. I’ve also participated in the Cursillo movement and am currently writing a meditation card that is similar to other groups’ Examens. I am also on the women’s weekend team this fall. I’m looking forward to my presentation.

This is an Election Year (I mean, I guess every year is an Election Year, but this is a Presidential Election Year) and Election Connection will return in the near future, perhaps as early as next week.

Inspire will continue as Inspired as will Friday Food, and other fun series; yes, including Mental Health Monday, also popping up next week and then sporadically throughout the year. Suggestions and questions to address are always welcome, either as comments or as emails. There are also a couple of new pages coming soon! I’m very excited!

Overall, I’m looking forward to 2024, and I hope you’ll visit me here throughout the new year.