Insta-Cosplay for Halloween


For the last few years, with inspiration from the defunct app Polyvore, I have put together fashion collages for my Halloween costumes. Last year, I was a journalist, the year before I was Mary Winchester from Supernatural. This year, in honor of the fifteenth and final season of Supernatural and Wayward Mama Bear, Sheriff Jody Mills. I see so much of myself in her, and I was very comfortable “being” her for the entire day.

Fashion Collage: Sheriff Jody Mills. From the top, L-R: Anti-possession symbol, jeans and tall black boots, starburst earrings (not dangling so they can’t be pulled off), Mom Bear bracelet, wristwatch, layers: long sleeve t-shirt and plaid flannel with rolled up sleeves, sheriff’s badge. (c)2019

We’ve Got Work to Do


Back in January, I told you about a possible Supernatural spin-off tentatively called Wayward Sisters.

We’ve (actors and fans alike) been informed a few days ago that The CW network has decided to pass on this new, dynamic series. Those of us who were excited and looking forward to a female led sci-fi/fantasy series are heartbroken.

I’m writing this to encourage you to sign the linked PETITION to try and persuade The CW executives they’ve made a mistake.

For those of you who watch Supernatural, please watch the finale tomorrow night, and tweet your support. Along with #supernatual, include the hashtag #savewaywardsisters. I know the fans, cast, and crew will appreciate it.

In addition to signing the petition, you can also send your feedback directly to The CW as recommended in the following tweet.

When contacting officials at the network, please be polite and express why you want to see the Wayward Sisters spin-off and what it means to you and your family. My daughter and I sent out our message on Monday by email to

Thank you for your support of this wonderful and what would be a unique show on television. 

 You’re in good company:

If I Could Tell You…


Strength and beauty are virtues of the vulnerable.

– Katherine Ramdeen, If I  Could Tell You Supernatural Calendar, 2018

Katherine Ramdeen as photographed by Illya Swan. Their copyright. (c)2018

[No copyright infringement intended and no money made.]

Fandom Friday Funnies


Two nights ago, my daughter asked me about the back door pilot for Supernatural. She was wondering if they had started filming the new series yet. I answered that we hadn’t heard if it was picked up, but I was sure that they would be given a chance, at least a thirteen episode mid-season introduction like they did with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

My husband laughed at me.

We?” he asked, almost mockingly. “Do you have an inside line to the producers?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” I said with the surety of an arrogant know-it-all.

Of course, I don’t and I don’t really know any of the producers or showrunners personally, but I do know the Wayward Daughters Academy and I follow the Wayward Sisters cast  and writers (as well as Supernatural) on social media, so if I were going to hear about it, I would certainly be one of the first of the fans to hear about it. This was a total grassroots effort. Just getting this far was a fandom and social media triumph. Such is the #spnfam.

When I know, you will know.

Wayward Sisters: A Review of Supernatural’s Possible Spin-Off


This is a review, and contains multiple spoilers for Supernatural and Wayward Sisters. If you have not seen the episodes, The Bad Place [13.09] and Wayward Sisters [13.10], and you don’t want to be spoiled, do not read any further. I reference characters and plot points from all of Supernatural’s history, so be aware of those spoilers as well. Episode references are in brackets with the first number being the season, and the second number, the episode.​ Continue reading

Fandom Friday – What to Expect in the New Year


I, for one, am very excited for television in the New Year. Spoilers for everything in the tags follow. Read at your own discretion. Continue reading

Fandom Friday – Wayward Sisters


​I have talked, here and other places, about my perceptions of the differences of being a fan and being in a fandom. Those of us in fandoms take things just one step, maybe ten steps further, and for each us it happens in varying degrees and with a variety of participation.

Of all the fandoms that I’ve participated in, I would say that the biggest part of my fannish heart belongs to the Supernatural family, or #spnfamily or abbreviated further as #spnfam.

They are the kindest, most compassionate people who volunteer their time and donate their money to just causes and people in need with their only reward the thankfulness for letting them be a part of it.

From Misha Collins’ Random Acts charity to Jared Padalecki’s Always Keep Fighting campaigns to Jensen Ackles’ raising money and awareness for Down’s Syndrome, and he and his wife (along with the Padaleckis and Collins’ and the rest of the Supernatural and CW folks) raising an incredible $400,000+ for hurricane relief – Stronger than Storms.

They’re supportive.

They’re encouraging.

They’re inspirational.

In addition to the charitable works, Misha’s Scavenger Hunt, Gishwhes, which just finished its final year, the depression awareness, self-harm help, and suicide prevention Always Keep Fighting campaign, a small group of vocal women created a group based on the women we admired of Supernatural.

I say “we” but I was not part of the initial germ of an idea; I joined with other fans in supporting the concept of Wayward Daughters, which became Wayward Daughters Academy. The use of the word “wayward” is a nod to Kansas’ song, Carry On Wayward Son, the unofficial theme of Supernatural. The concept was the the wayward orphan girls on the show would live with Sheriff Jody Mills, and hunt monsters. It’s a nice idea, and the fans loved it. And Kim Rhodes loved it. As well as Brianna Buckmaster, who plays Sheriff Donna Hanscom, and as more orphans arrived on the show, and more kick it in the ass female characters arrived, it grew.

And it grew.

It became a hashtag. #waywardaf

It became a charitable campaign through Creation Stands, now known as Stands.

It morphed into sisters instead of daughters; not biological sisters, but a family of choice.

And now, we fans have realized a wonderful dream: a possible spin-off show starring Kim and Brianna as well as Kathryn Newton (Claire Novak) and Katherine Ramdeen (Alex) and a few other young women.

Their pilot is called a back door pilot. They will have an episode in Sueprnatural’s Season 13 giving us a glimpse of what a Wayward Sisters show would be like, and if it gets enough viewers and potential fans, it’s a go.

I am so excited!

Girl Power!

The future is female!

This is the perfect year for this opportunity.

In addition to a sidebar in this week’s Entertainment Weekly, the Ladies of Supernatural have produced a calendar, sold through Stands for charity. All proceeds will be going to the Jacmel Children’s Center in Haiti.

It’s more than twelve months of pretty pictures; it is also life advice from an amazing grup of independent, empowering, bad ass, wayward af women!

Click picture to buy calendar. (c)Stands, 2017. Pin above used from Kim Rhodes Twitter. (c)KimRhodes, 2017