Rev. James Lawson (1928-2024)


Earlier this week, the Reverend James Lawson passed away at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 95. He was a large part of the non-violent civil rights movement, learning that hatred and violence are not the way to bring about change. He learned this from his mother when he was a child and she asked him “what good that [his hitting another child for calling him the N-word] served,” and from Gandhi when he studied in India under his philosophy. As his mother suggested, he found a better way.

The Rev. James Lawson, key architect of the Civil Rights Movement, dies at 95.

James Lawson, towering Civil Rights activist, dies at 95

I first heard Rev. Lawson speak as I watched Congressman John Lewis’ funeral, and I was spellbound by his words and his reach through the television screen. He used the word ‘providential’ and that is what I felt listening to him. It was providential. And inspiring.

I include it below for your viewing.