Travel – Schuylerville, NY


In my ongoing research of labyrinths, as well as an impromptu visit to a gluten free bakery for my students, I discovered that the area of and around the village of Schuylerville, near one of my labyrinths is riddled with little shops, eateries, and a wealth of history that can be explored on a day trip through the area. Combining that with nearby Saratoga Springs (11 miles) and Lake George (about 30 miles), it is easy to make a weekend (or longer) out of it with fun things to do for adults and kids alike.

Hudson River Crossing Park Labyrinth.
Schuylerville, NY.

Schuylerville is located about 45 miles north of the state’s capital of Albany and was originally part of the Iroquois Federation; the land called Haudenosaunee and the Mohawk people.

The drive from the Northway to Broad Street in Schuylerville is a central area to get around and see many things. I do tend to gravitate towards the historical, and there is no shortage of those, being very close to the Saratoga Battlefield and Monument, Phillip Schuyler’s Estate (and his mansion in Albany), the Prospect Hill Cemetery, and one of the oldest racetracks in the US, Saratoga Race Course. It’s been operating since 1863 but held speed races there since 1822. The Lake George Region, in the Adirondack Park, is known for its nature trails, shops and restaurants, outlets, Six Flags, and of course the lake.

Phillip Schuyler Estate.
Schuylerville, NY.
Pin depicting the Schuyler Mansion in Albany, NY.
The room where it happened”: Alexander Hamilton & Eliza Schuyler were married in this room at the Schuyler Mansion.
Albany, NY.

The route I took was surrounded by horse country with fenced in fields, horses lollygagging in the warm sun, and even a sign for a champion horse (War Dancer). Throughout this are farms and farm stands, hay for sale, silos, and signs for every kind of crossing: deer, tractor, horse & rider, snowmobile (although out of season), and Right to Farm. Apple trees and even a corn maze pass by our windows as we traversed over an aptly named Fish Creek plus spying a proper red barn in the distance.

Stones border property with large boulders artistically placed and a couple of metal sculptures including a rearing horse that startled me when I first passed by.

Metal Sculpture of Horse.
Rt. 29.

At the crest of one of the last hills before town, you can see the Saratoga Battlefield Monument (an obelisk in the style of the Washington Monument or the closer Bennington Monument).

Saratoga Battlefield Monument.
Niche where Gen. Benedict Arnold should be for his heroics on the facing field.
Schuylerville, NY.

I was surprised by the small businesses dotting the path, hoping someone would slow down from the fifty-five miles per hour speed limit to stop in and visit: meat & deli, stitches in time, antiques, Kaleidoscope Café, Farmer’s Daughter Ice Cream, train & hobby shop, a home goods store, a health food store, even a bridal shop. Many of these were unexpected to me on this stretch of rural road.

Reaching Broad Street, a left turn would take you to the Hudson Crossing Park Play Garden & Labyrinth as well as Canal Lock #5. A right turn will take you to the Phillip Schuyler House (which was the destination where in the musical Hamilton, Eliza and Angelica sang to Alexander to take a break upstate) and not five minutes away is the Saratoga Monument, commemorating the battles of Saratoga and the surrender of Lt. Gen. John Burgoyne. On each of the four sides of the 154+ feet tall granite monument are niches with statues of the heroes of the battle: General Horatio Gates (N), General Phillip Schuyler (E), Colonel Daniel Morgan (W), although facing the south is empty. Here is where General Benedict Arnold should have been honored for his heroic actions here, which sidelined him from combat for several years. His later traitorous acts kept his statue from being commissioned, although there is a granite marker, Boot Monument for him (with no name) in the Saratoga National Historic Park.

The same drive is equally inspired and breathtaking in the fall when the leaves will be turning their majestic colors (although I should note that the Saratoga Race Course will be closed for racing then).

Some notes on the above destinations:

The Saratoga Monument is closed on the inside due to repair work, and parts of the Saratoga Historical Park are closed due to flooding. Check their websites for up-to-date information.

Revolutionary Day Trip through Schuylerville

Revolutionary Day Trips – This website offers certain routes that explore Revolutionary War history in the Northeast that can be done in one day. There is also a self-guided boating route. I discovered this website in searching for more places of interest in Schuylerville.

I Love NY is another great website of interest for all areas of New York State, and they have an app also.

Lake George.
Statue of Horse that greets you on Broadway in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Erie Canal Lock #5.
Schuylerville, NY.

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