National Coming Out Day


Today is National Coming Out Day.

Here are some resources that I’ve found helpful. Readers, please add your own in the comments that you feel are missing and that you found useful.



The Trevor Project

Coming Out as You

It Gets Better

It Gets Better YK Outreach Resources

Queer Identity & Issues Informational Posters

Transgender Law Center

Family Acceptance Project

International Day Against Homophobia

Online Chat Crisis/Suicide Prevention Center

7 Cups of Tea – someone to talk to

Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project: 24 hr. hotline: 1-800-832-1901

Week 41/14 Summary


(*Suggestions for a better title welcome!*)

Prompt: Hot Water

Photo: Williamsburg, Virginia

Quotation by Christopher Reeve

Rec: My Top 3 Go-To Places/Strategies

LinkRobert Fulghum

John Harricharan

Under the Tamarind Tree (book)

Starbucks – Locations

Cracker Barrel – Locations



The Trevor Project

Coming Out as YOU

It Gets Better (link)

It Gets Better YK Outreach Resources (link)

Queer Identity and Issues Informational Posters (link)

Transgender Law Center (link)

Family Acceptance Project (link)

International Day Against Homophobia (link)

Online Chat Crisis/Suicide Prevention (link)

7 Cups of Tea (someone to talk to) (link)


Inspirational – Christopher Reeve

National Coming Out Day (Resources)