Scavenger Hunt Summer 2023 – Saturday


Saturday, August 5

Clean up a park (or playground)

Spend 45 minutes or so cleaning a neighborhood park or playground. Bring your own garbage bags*, and wear disposable gloves to protect yourself. Check the air quality (wildfires are still a thing) and wear a mask if necessary. Create a photo collage of before and after pics.

*If the park has garbage cans, you can dispose of the trash there; otherwise take it with you to dispose of in your home trash can.

Scavenger Hunt Summer 2023


Wednesday, August 2

Today is National Coloring Book Day! For regular readers, you will find a new downloadable coloring sheet on the sidebar link.

For the scavenger hunters:

Draw a coloring book page or coloring sheet. Post it in black and white so others can have fun coloring your page, and if you like you can color it and post that alongside the original.